N a g e l i d

    Kalju Nagel

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Estonian impressionist and oil painter Kalju Nagel (1918-2005) was born in Tartu
region, Ibaste village. Childhood passed in Ahja, Metsküla, Raudsepa farm. Studied
in Pallas ( Tartu School of Fine Arts ), under the supervision of Aleksander Vardi
(1936-1939). During the Second World War served in military forces. Continued his
studying at Tartu National Institute of Art (1945-1947), again under the supervision
of Aleksander Vardi. Between 1957-1963 was repeatedly elected as Tartu Artist
Union's chairman. Was one of the most active initiators of the building of Tartu Art
House. From 1966, as an Artists Association consultant organized South-Estonian
art exhibitions. A member of Estonian Artists Association since 1956. Participated
in exhibitions since 1947. Main theme in his works was landscape, but made also
many still lifes, portraits and figurative compositions.